Speaking Out About Fatherlessness

For at least three years I’ve been procrastinating about starting this blog and here I am near the end of 2017 and it’s finally happening. This is the space I’ve been dreaming of sharing some of my most intimate stories with you – other women and girls who share the circumstance of fatherlessness.

I’ve been quiet long enough. I’ve suffered in silence long enough. And I’m speaking out to help you see and live your life differently. I plan to bring healing, hope, and support to you because although fatherlessness affects you, its effects should not cripple you for a lifetime.

. . .although fatherlessness affects you, its effects should not cripple you for a lifetime.

For most of my life, I was crippled – bent over in shame, humiliation, and anger. Now I stand boldly to share my story and bring comfort to fatherless daughters around the world. It’s a journey that I’m still on, but because I’m much better, you’re reading this right now.

Follow Say That, Girl! for stories that will encourage, inspire, and stir your thoughts. Remember, everyone has a story and here’s where I’ll share mine through personal transparency.

Speak your truth even if your voice shakes. 3

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